SEP 29, 2021App which tells how much profit or loss they have incurred according to the current market price.
PROJECT SOURCEApp which tells how much profit or loss they have incurred according to the current market price.
PROJECT SOURCECash Register app which tells how many notes of which denomination to be returned to the customer.
PROJECT SOURCEThis tells that your birthday is a palindrome or not. A Palindrome is a word, sentence, number that reads the same backwards as forwards.Example => MALAYALAM, DAD, MOM, 101, 91519 etc.
PROJECT SOURCEA CLI app created using VS code which tells birthdate is lucky or not
PROJECT SOURCEA triangle education app created by using VS Code.
PROJECT SOURCEA book recommendation app to show which book is good in there respective genre.This app is created using REACT from CODESANDBOX.
PROJECT SOURCEAn Emoji Interpretor App created using REACT from
PROJECT SOURCEA Mandalorian translating app.Mandalorian language is first heard at The famous movie STAR WARS.
PROJECT SOURCECreated a web app which translate english to Minion language.
PROJECT SOURCELet's see how much you know about PRE-INDEPENDENT INDIA.Play the quiz game to know some history.
PROJECT SOURCEA simple CLI quiz game to know who knows more about me, which is created using replit and a library called chalk